Friday 26 June 2020

Can the INDIAN government create jobs?

The current health and economic crisis give us insights into what is and is not working well in India, and how we should be preparing for a better tomorrow. Yes, we were able to better reach the marginalized population of India using our public distribution system and direct transfers of benefits through the digital infrastructure that we have built over the last decade also the migrant worker 's plight and the urban and rural daily worker's huge economic setback are becoming painfully transparent. 
The attempts of the government to build employment and protect employees have fallen short with a skills development plan that has missed goals, a welfare system that only protects a small proportion of the unorganized workforce, and a network of underfunded rural employment. India needs to promote the inclusion of women in the labour force. In 2011-2012, women accounted for no more than 25 percent of the labour force, down from 33 percent in 2005, according to a 2014 national sample survey on employment, rate worse than the Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka neighbors.

India’s unemployment is the result of
  1. Low level of education
  2. High dropout rates
  3. Lab our market asymmetries
  4. A mismatch between the supply of skills and demand
  5. The high aspirations of young people
Most metropolitan municipal bodies lack the capital, capability and financial flexibility to enhance their provision of public services, and the towns face extreme environmental pressures such as floods, landslides and coastal degradation as well. Together, financial unsustainability and environmental hazards drive migration while leading to poor quality of life and concerns about public health.
Is it possible to tackle these twin challenges together using an integrated approach-Yes and the Green Jobs is the way forward as classified by the International Lab our Organization, these are decent jobs which also help preserve the environment. Jobs will come from both conventional industries such as manufacturing and building, and emerging green industries such as recycling, water conservation, waste management, urban farming and green transport.
India 's transition to a green economy could create 3 million jobs, projected by the International Lab our Organization, in the renewable energy sector alone by 2030. In 2017, this sector created 47,000 new jobs in India, employing 432,000 people according to a July 2018 India Spend report. The number of jobs in India's green energy sector, excluding large hydro power projects, increased in just one year to 2017 by 12 per cent. About 20 percent of the more than 500,000 new green jobs created worldwide in 2017 were in India, meaning that the sector employed more than 721,000 Indians. Green jobs thus seem to be the way a nation with a strong demographic dividend will go, a high jobless rate and a declining environment. According to the above-mentioned report, around 24 million jobs could be created by transitioning to a circular economy that includes activities such as recycling, repairing, renting and re-manufacturing, and ecosystem services such as air and water purification, soil renewal and fertilization.

Green Jobs can be generated in the following sector

As per the Ministry for New and Renewable energy, India 's rising renewable energy market is expected to create more jobs in the coming years. More people are needed in this sector to make this transition feasible, in jobs such as solar power generation on the rooftop, the manufacture of solar panel modules, inverters and converters, and end-use components for LED bulbs and energy efficient pumps.

Green jobs can also be a way to address two critical issues faced by most Indian towns and cities which are municipal solid waste management and wastewater management. At present it is projected that hazardous waste is disposed of unsafely directly into the atmosphere and that various states have very little disposal ability to dispose of this waste safely. A relatively small volume of water is treated and the remainder is disposed of without treatment into the atmosphere, contaminating the surface and groundwater sources and contributing to public health issues. Building and operating treatment plants — both sewage treatment plants for sewer waste and faecal sludge treatment plants for non-sewer waste — can help to efficiently dispose of these, while also providing jobs. There is still no effective disposal of solid waste in the state, and most cities have inefficient centralized solid waste collection facilities. In a city municipal corporation, solid waste management activities such as dry waste disposal and micro-composting systems may produce several jobs each year.

The transport sector is responsible for a lot of greenhouse gas emissions, using more than a quarter of the world 's energy and nearly equal share of global emissions of carbon dioxide. To address this, central and state policies are gradually promoting the introduction of non-motorized transport, electric vehicles, and bio-CNG vehicles. India's National Electric Mobility Mission Plan 2020 has the ability to cause a disruptive change in the country's automobile and transportation sectors if well executed. In the recent Union budget, as an additional measure to promote electric vehicles, the central government reduced GST for electric vehicles from 12 per cent to 5 per cent. However, the adoption of electric vehicles and green mobility requires considerable manpower, and this can generate large numbers of green jobs in manufacturing, servicing and maintaining green mobility systems.

Urban forestry and roof-top gardening are increasingly becoming a phenomenon in India's cities and this will not only encourage local vegetable production but also help to reduce the impact of heat-island effect. These islands are created when human activities, such as the excessive use of concrete and asphalt in construction work, create significantly warmer urban pockets than those surrounding rural areas. For industrial areas these practices often create carbon sinks that absorb pollution like a sponge. An increase in urban farming practices can help create jobs in permaculture, gardening and nursery management, and in the supply of soil and nutrients.

 The other ways jobs can be created in the following areas

Employment Generation Through Packaging Services
Packaging requires good packing material, efficient packing personnel and efficient transportation facilities. Significant number of people are either self-employed or wage-employed for packaging.

Warehousing Services
Manufacturers carry out large-scale production and consumers buy the goods according to their needs in small quantities. Consequently, the goods produced must be stored in cold storage, warehouse etc It provides self-employment and employment to staff, labour transporters etc.

Transport Services
When any means of transport are used, the entrepreneur indirectly provides the operators, drivers, mechanics etc. with employment. Through this way, the entrepreneur makes a positive profit by moving goods and passengers from one place to another. It raises the country's income, which is also a sign of growth.

Safety and Security Services
Many forms of insecurities have been caused by industrialization so every individual, every industrialist, organization, and nation desires safety, security, and protection. While the government provides security through various acts, those efforts have only partially succeeded. Private businessmen have begun offering security services under these conditions as well. The entrepreneurs set up private sector security agencies through the deployment of ex-army personnel, guards, peons, clerks, watchmen, and managers, etc. In this way more job opportunities are developed.

Due of the lack of a trained workforce, these sustainable practices are yet to generate feasible job prospects, although many initiatives understand the need for sustainable practices, implementation has always been a challenge. For the generation of urban jobs along with advances in the nature of such interventions itself is needed an integrated strategy that cuts through various sectors and government departments. The other main concern is funding and developing ties with the private sector for corporate social responsibility funds and green jobs fellowship programs. This approach will also create a platform for employing the newly developed workforce by green skills. The Government-launched Skill Council for Green Jobs is a national program that has developed courses in sectors such as renewable energy, green infrastructure and solid waste management. The council also works closely with companies to ensure they hire the skilled workers.

Finally, perceptions of green jobs need to be improved for those associated with such sectors as waste management and sanitation for example, have a negative perception in society and might not align with the aspirations of job seekers. One way to overcome this may be by incorporating value-added training as well as skill-building. English language instruction, organizational skills, computer literacy particularly for trainee students, accounting and bookkeeping may be added to the modules to match applicants' ambitions.

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